Haste makes waste


Posted on By lijun


1. Accessing VBA Editor 打开Editor(Alt+F11)


2. Excel VBA Terminologies 术语

  1. Modules, Modules is the area where code is written.( Insert » Module)
  2. Procedure, The two main types of Procedures are Sub and Function.
    • Function, functions may or may not return a value.
    • Sub procedures, DONOT Return a value

3. Message Box

a = MsgBox("Do you like blue color?",3,"Choose options")
msgbox ("The Value of a is " & a)

4. Input Box

Function addtwo()
    Dim first As Integer
    Dim second As Integer

    first = InputBox("hi", "input")
    second = InputBox("hi", "input")

    addtwo = first + second
End Function


5. Syntax

  • Data Types
    1. Numeric Data-Types → Byte / Integer / Double …
    2. Non-Numeric Data Types → String / Date / Boolean
  • Constants
Const MyInteger As Integer = 42
MsgBox "Integer is " & MyInteger
  • operator
    1. Arithmatic Operators
    2. Comparison Operators
    3. Logical Operators
    4. Concatenation Operators
  • Loop Control Statements

  • String Functions → Lcase / Left

  • Date Functions

  • Time Functions

  • Array(Array Methods)

6. Redim Statement

ReDim Statement is used to Declare dynamic-array variables and allocate or reallocate storage space.

7. What is a Function

Note that a value/values can be returned with the function name itself.

Function findArea(Length As Double, Optional Width As Variant)
    If IsMissing(Width) Then        
        findArea = Length * Length
        findArea = Length * Width
    End If
End Function


8. Sub Procedures


9. VBA Events

9.1 WorkSheet Events

  1. Worksheet Events are triggered when there is a change in the worksheet.
  2. It is created by performing right-click on the sheettab and choosing ‘view code’


9.2 Workbook Events

Workbook events are triggered when there is a change to the workbook on the whole.


Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
    MsgBox "New Sheet Created Successfully"
End Sub

10. errors

  1. Syntax errors
  2. Runtime errors
  3. Logical errors

11. What are Excel Objects

Application.ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A4").Value = 5
  • Application Objects
  • WorkBook Objects
  • WorkSheet Objects
  • Range Objects

12. VBA Text Files

  1. Output
  2. Using Write Command
  3. VBA - Programming Charts
  4. VBA - User Forms


13. Option Explicit ,检查模式,能减少拼写错误,建议使用

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim yourMsg As String
    Cells(1, 2) = "Your first VBA program"
    yourMsg = Cells(1, 2)
    MsgBox yourMsg
End Sub


14. For … Loop

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim i, j As Integer
    For i = 1 To 10
    For j = 1 To 5
    Cells(i, j).Value = i + j
    Next j
    Next i
End Sub

15. Range / Methods

Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim selectedRng As String
    selectedRng = InputBox("Enter")
End Sub

Sheet1.Cells.ClearFormats / Range(selectedRng).Select など