7. 异常值删除策略的小结
- 训练 - Train
- 去除最大残差的点(该点到拟合回归线的距离) - Remove points with largest residual error
- 再训练 - Re-train
9. 异常值迷你项目
import random
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
from outlier_cleaner import outlierCleaner
### load up some practice data with outliers in it
ages = pickle.load( open("practice_outliers_ages.pkl", "r") )
net_worths = pickle.load( open("practice_outliers_net_worths.pkl", "r") )
### ages and net_worths need to be reshaped into 2D numpy arrays
### second argument of reshape command is a tuple of integers: (n_rows, n_columns)
### by convention, n_rows is the number of data points
### and n_columns is the number of features
ages = numpy.reshape( numpy.array(ages), (len(ages), 1))
net_worths = numpy.reshape( numpy.array(net_worths), (len(net_worths), 1))
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
ages_train, ages_test, net_worths_train, net_worths_test = train_test_split(ages, net_worths, test_size=0.1, random_state=42)
### fill in a regression here! Name the regression object reg so that
### the plotting code below works, and you can see what your regression looks like
from sklearn import linear_model
reg = linear_model.LinearRegression()
print "train slope:",reg.coef_
print "train intercept:",reg.intercept_
print "train score train:",reg.score(ages_train,net_worths_train)
print "train score test:",reg.score(ages_test,net_worths_test)
plt.plot(ages, reg.predict(ages), color="blue")
except NameError:
plt.scatter(ages, net_worths)
### identify and remove the most outlier-y points
cleaned_data = []
predictions = reg.predict(ages_train)
cleaned_data = outlierCleaner( predictions, ages_train, net_worths_train )
except NameError:
print "your regression object doesn't exist, or isn't name reg"
print "can't make predictions to use in identifying outliers"
### only run this code if cleaned_data is returning data
if len(cleaned_data) > 0:
ages, net_worths, errors = zip(*cleaned_data)
ages = numpy.reshape( numpy.array(ages), (len(ages), 1))
net_worths = numpy.reshape( numpy.array(net_worths), (len(net_worths), 1))
### refit your cleaned data!
reg.fit(ages, net_worths)
print "new train slope:",reg.coef_
print "new train intercept:",reg.intercept_
print "new train score train:",reg.score(ages_train,net_worths_train)
print "new train score test:",reg.score(ages_test,net_worths_test)
plt.plot(ages, reg.predict(ages), color="red")
except NameError:
print "you don't seem to have regression imported/created,"
print " or else your regression object isn't named reg"
print " either way, only draw the scatter plot of the cleaned data"
plt.scatter(ages, net_worths)
plt.ylabel("net worths")
print "outlierCleaner() is returning an empty list, no refitting to be done"
train slope: [[ 5.07793064]]
train intercept: [ 25.21002155]
train score train: 0.489872596175
train score test: 0.878262470366
12. 清理后的斜率
在 outliers/outlier_cleaner.py 中找到 outlierCleaner() 函数的骨架并向其填充清理算法。用到的三个参数是:predictions 是一个列表,包含回归的预测目标;ages 也是一个列表,包含训练集内的年龄;net_worths 是训练集内净值的实际值。每个列表中应有 90 个元素(因为训练集内有 90 个点)。你的工作是返回一个名叫cleaned_data 的列表,该列表中只有 81 个元素,也即预测值和实际值 (net_worths) 具有最小误差的 81 个训练点 (90 * 0.9 = 81)。cleaned_data 的格式应为一个元组列表,其中每个元组的形式均为 (age, net_worth, error)。
def outlierCleaner(predictions, ages, net_worths):
Clean away the 10% of points that have the largest
residual errors (difference between the prediction
and the actual net worth).
Return a list of tuples named cleaned_data where
each tuple is of the form (age, net_worth, error).
import math
cleaned_data = []
diffs = []
### your code goes here
# 求解差值
for i in range(len(predictions)):
prediction = predictions[i]
net_worth = net_worths[i]
diff = math.fabs(prediction - net_worth)
# 对差值进行排序
# 排序后取90%的数据,存储到新的diffs中
maxlens = int(0.9*len(diffs))
new_diffs = diffs[0:maxlens]
# 根据new_diffs中存储的index,取出这90%的正确数据
for new_diff in new_diffs:
prediction = predictions[new_diff[1]]
net_worth = net_worths[new_diff[1]]
age = ages[new_diff[1]]
print len(cleaned_data)
return cleaned_data
train slope: [[ 5.07793064]]
train intercept: [ 25.21002155]
train score train: 0.489872596175
train score test: 0.878262470366
new train slope: [[ 6.36859481]]
new train intercept: [-6.91861069]
new train score train: 0.409325454478
new train score test: 0.983189455396
15. 识别最大的安然异常值
import pickle
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot
from feature_format import featureFormat, targetFeatureSplit
### read in data dictionary, convert to numpy array
data_dict = pickle.load( open("../final_project/final_project_dataset.pkl", "r") )
features = ["salary", "bonus"]
data = featureFormat(data_dict, features)
### your code below
print data[len(data)-3]
salarys = []
bonus = []
for mydata in data:
print salarys
print bonus
- 第一个显然是因为数据录入错误,将TOTAL作为一个员工了,而实际上是总计的金额。
- 通过
dictionary.pop( key, 0 )