Haste makes waste

linux中使用Expect Command 自动化运行脚本

Posted on By lijun

在工作中需要实现脚本的自动化运行,包括自动填写用户名,自动输入密码,以及自动输入各种命令,并将命令结果返回,这时需要用到expect相关命令。 本文参考Expect Command And How To Automate Shell Scripts Like Magic翻译而成。

expect不是linux中的标准安装,需要另外安装,比如在centos中使用yum install expect

1. 关于 Expect Command


  • spawn:开始一个新的脚本或程序,新起一个进程,比如 FTP, Telnet, SSH, SCP等
  • expect:等待程序的输出
  • send:发送一个输入给程序
  • interact:允许与程序交互

1.1 questions示例

echo "Hello, who are you?"
read $REPLY
echo "Can I ask you some questions?"
read $REPLY
echo "What is your favorite topic?"
read $REPLY

1.2 answerbot示例

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn ./questions
expect "Hello, who are you?\r"
send -- "Im Adam\r"
expect "Can I ask you some questions?\r"
send -- "Sure\r"
expect "What is your favorite topic?\r"
send -- "Technology\r"
expect eof

1.3 执行程序

  • 赋予程序执行权限 chmod +x ./answerbot


[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./answerbot
spawn ./question
Hello, who are you?
Im lijun
Can I ask you some questions?
What is your favorite topic?

2. Using autoexpect

autoexpect与expect类似,能用来自动构建脚本,比如用 autoexpect命令运行question脚本:

[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ autoexpect ./question
autoexpect started, file is script.exp
Hello, who are you?
Can I ask you some questions?
What is your favorite topic?
autoexpect done, file is script.exp
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ls
question  script.exp  answerbot
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ vi script.exp


set force_conservative 0  ;# set to 1 to force conservative mode even if
                          ;# script wasn't run conservatively originally
if {$force_conservative} {
        set send_slow {1 .1}
        proc send {ignore arg} {
                sleep .1
                exp_send -s -- $arg

set timeout -1
spawn ./question
match_max 100000
expect -exact "Hello, who are you?\r
send -- "lijun\r"
expect -exact "lijun\r
Can I ask you some questions?\r
send -- "ok\r"
expect -exact "ok\r
What is your favorite topic?\r
send -- "run\r"
expect eof

3. Working with Variables


set MYVAR 5
set MYVAR [lindex $argv 0]


  • 实例程序 - answerbot
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set my_name [lindex $argv 0]
set my_favorite [lindex $argv 1]
set timeout -1
spawn ./questions
expect "Hello, who are you?\r"
send -- "Im $my_name\r"
expect "Can I ask you some questions?\r"
send -- "Sure\r"
expect "What is your favorite topic?\r"
send -- "$my_favorite\r"
expect eof
  • 运行程序,并同时传递参数
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./test.sh  lijun run
spawn ./questions.sh
Hello, who are you?
Im lijun
Can I ask you some questions?
What is your favorite topic?
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$

4. Conditional Tests


expect {
    "something" { send -- "send this\r" }
    "*another" { send -- "send another\r" }
  • question

let number=$RANDOM
echo $number

if [ $number -gt 25000 ]


echo "What is your favorite topic?"


echo "What is your favorite movie?"


read $REPLY
  • answerbot
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set timeout -1

spawn ./questions

expect {
     "*topic?" {send -- "Programming\r"}
     "*movie?" {send -- "Star wars\r"}

expect eof
  • 运行脚本
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./answerbot
spawn ./questions
What is your favorite movie?
Star wars

[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./answerbot
spawn ./questions
What is your favorite topic?

5. If else Conditions

  • answerbot
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set NUM 1

if { $NUM < 5 } {

puts "\Smaller than 5\n"

} elseif { $NUM > 5 } {

puts "\Bigger than 5\n"

} else {

puts "\Equals 5\n"

  • 运行
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./answerbot
Smaller than 5

6. While Loops

  • answerbot
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set NUM 0
while { $NUM <= 5 } {
puts "\nNumber is $NUM"
set NUM [ expr $NUM + 1 ]
puts ""

  • 运行程序
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./answerbot

Number is 0

Number is 1

Number is 2

Number is 3

Number is 4

Number is 5

7. For Loops

  • answerbot
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
for {set NUM 0} {$NUM <= 5} {incr NUM} {
puts "\nNUM = $NUM"
puts ""

  • 运行程序
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./answerbot

NUM = 0

NUM = 1

NUM = 2

NUM = 3

NUM = 4

NUM = 5

8. User-defined Functions

  • answerbot
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

# 定义函数
proc myfunc { TOTAL } {
set TOTAL [expr $TOTAL + 1]
return "$TOTAL"
set NUM 0
while {$NUM <= 5} {
puts "\nNumber $NUM"

# 使用函数
set NUM [myfunc $NUM]
puts ""

  • 运行程序
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./answerbot

NUM = 0

NUM = 1

NUM = 2

NUM = 3

NUM = 4

NUM = 5

9. Interact Command

  • question

echo "Hello,Who are you?"

read $REPLY

echo "What is your password?"

read $REPLY

echo "What is your favorite topic?"

read $REPLY

  • answerbot
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set timeout -1

spawn ./question

expect "Hello,Who are you?\r"

send -- "Hi Im Adam\r"

expect "*password?\r"

interact ++ return

send "\r"

expect "*topic?\r"

send -- "Technology\r"

expect eof
  • 运行程序
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$ ./answerbot
spawn ./question
Hello,Who are you?
Hi Im Adam
What is your password?
What is your favorite topic?
send: spawn id exp6 not open
    while executing
"send "\r""
    (file "./answerbot" line 15)
[root@mypc linuxstudy]$