Haste makes waste

Nano01(自動運転)-【C++】-Lesson02-Compilation and Execution

Posted on By lijun





  1. 预编译,将带有预编译符号比如#include #define的代码,变成纯C++代码(不含预编译符的)
  2. 编译:将上面预编译之后的输出处理成obj文件,这个文件机器能够识别。
  3. 链接:将上面编译后的所有obj文件组合起来,生成lib或是可执行的exe文件等。

参考How does the compilation/linking process work?

In summary to compile in a terminal:

  • Open a terminal window
  • change the working directory to the directory of the program
  • Make sure names of folders and files do not have spaces in them
  • To compile the program: g++ filename.cpp -o executableName
  • To execute the program: ./executableName

Common mistakes when executing in the terminal:

  • Make sure there are no spaces in filenames
  • Make sure all the files you need are in the working directory (including header files), use ‘ls’ to check
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int userInput = 0;
    int maxNumber = 0;
    int minNumber = 100;
    int sumTotal = 0;
    float average = 0;
    //get the numbers from the user
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
        std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
        scanf("%d", &userInput);
        std::cout << userInput << "\n";
        if(userInput > maxNumber)
        {//the biggest number entered so far is the max number
            maxNumber = userInput;
        if(userInput < minNumber)
        {//the lowest number entered so far is the min number
            minNumber = userInput;
        sumTotal = sumTotal + userInput;
    std::cout << "Maximum number = " << maxNumber << "\n";
    std::cout << "Minimum number = " << minNumber << "\n";
    average = sumTotal / 15;
    std::cout << "Average = " << average << "\n";
    return 0;
Enter a number: 123
Enter a number: 2
Enter a number: 34
Enter a number: 6
Enter a number: 57
Enter a number: 9
Enter a number: 876
Enter a number: 90
Enter a number: 11
Enter a number: 23
Enter a number: 876
Enter a number: 4
Enter a number: 13
Enter a number: 87