Haste makes waste


Posted on By lijun

0. 小结

指针这部分很重要,也很容易出错,本章非常简单的介绍了指针,自己还要下去扩展,见C++ primer的书第4章。

3. pointers

/*Goal: Examine pointers!*/

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int a = 54;
    std::cout<<"a = "<<a<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"address of a is at &a = "<< &a<<"\n";
    return 0;
a = 54
address of a is at &a = 0x7ffc7b8d65ec

4. dereferenceing Pointers

But what if we have a pointer and want to access the value stored in that address? That process is called dereferencing, and it is indicated by adding the operator * before the variable’s name.

/*Goal: Examine pointers!*/

#include <iostream>

int main()
    // this is an integer variable with value = 54
    int a = 54; 
    // this is a pointer that holds the address of the variable 'a'.
    // if 'a' was a float, rather than int, so should be its pointer.
    int * pointerToA = &a;  
    // If we were to print pointerToA, we'd obtain the address of 'a':
    std::cout << "pointerToA stores " << pointerToA << '\n';
    // If we want to know what is stored in this address, we can dereference pointerToA:
    std::cout << "pointerToA points to " << * pointerToA << '\n';
    return 0;
pointerToA stores 0x7ffdd96b3534
pointerToA points to 54

6. Pointers Programming Quiz

//*Sample program for Pointers*/


int main()
    std::string name;
    int givenInt;
    float givenFloat;
    double givenDouble;
    std::string givenString;
    char givenChar;
    int *pointerGivenInt;
    int **pointerPointerGivenInt;

    pointerGivenInt = &givenInt;
    pointerPointerGivenInt = &pointerGivenInt;

   //Get the values of each variable
    std::cout<<"integer = \n";
    std::cout<<"float = \n";
    std::cout<<"double = \n";
    //We need to use cin.ignore so cin will ignore 
   //the characters in the buffer leftover
   //from the givenDouble
    std::cout<<"character = \n";

    std::cout<<"string = \n";
    std::getline (std::cin,givenString);

    //The value stored in the data
    std::cout<<"integer = "<<givenInt<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"float = "<<givenFloat<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"double = "<<givenDouble<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"string = "<<givenString<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"character = "<<(char)givenChar<<"\n\n";

    //The address of the data - use pointers
    std::cout<<"address integer = "<<&givenInt<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"address float = "<<&givenFloat<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"address double = "<<&givenDouble<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"address string = "<<&givenString<<"\n";
    std::cout<< "address character = " << (void *) &givenChar<<"\n\n";

   //Use indirection to the get the value stored at the address
    std::cout<< "pointer of givenInt = " << *pointerGivenInt<<"\n";
    std::cout<< "pointer of pointer of givenInt = " << **pointerPointerGivenInt<< "\n";

    return 0;
integer = 
float = 
double = 
character = 
string = 
integer = 32
float = 64.212
double = 4.76545
string = Hey look at me! I know pointers!"
character = *

address integer = 0x7ffd812a9258
address float = 0x7ffd812a925c
address double = 0x7ffd812a9278
address string = 0x7ffd812a9270
address character = 0x7ffd812a9257

pointer of givenInt = 32
pointer of pointer of givenInt = 32

注意上面的语句中使用std::cout<< "address character = " << (void *) &givenChar<<"\n\n";,有(void *),如果没有的话,输出的不是地址,而是字符本身 address character = *

7. More on Pointers Answer

/*Goal: Find out why you care about pointers*/


int main ()
  int * pointerI;
  int number;
  char character;
  char * pointerC;
  std::string sentence;
  std::string *pointerS;
  pointerI = &number;
  *pointerI = 45;
  pointerC = &character;
  *pointerC = 'f';
  pointerS = &sentence;
  *pointerS = "Hey look at me, I know pointers!";
  std::cout << "number = "<<number<<"\n\n";
  std::cout<<"character = "<<character<< "\taddress1: " << (void *)pointerC << "\n";
  std::cout<<"\t\taddress2: " << pointerC << "\n\n";
  std::cout<<"sentence = "<<sentence<<"\n";

  return 0;
number = 45

character = f	address1: 0x7ffd0232917b
		address2: f-

sentence = Hey look at me, I know pointers!