Haste makes waste


Posted on By lijun

4. Func Prog Quiz 1

/*Goal: write a function called printMessage()
**that prints: Functions!


void printMessage();

int main()

    return 0;

void printMessage()


5. Functions w Parameters

/*GOAL: Practice writing functions

/*Write a function called printProduct that prints the results of the multiplication 
**of two integers. 

#include <iostream>
int printProduct(int m1, int m2, int product);

int main()
    int m1 = 4;
    int m2 = 5;
    int product;

    product = m1 * m2;
    printProduct(m1, m2, product);
    return 0;

int printProduct(int m1, int m2, int product){
    std::cout << m1 << " * " << m2 << " = " << product << "\n";
4 * 5 = 20

7. Func. in Header Files


10. Func. w Ret. Values Prog. Quiz


/*Put your functions here. 
**The grader will use this file to check your work. 


void printEquation(int m1, int m2, int sum, char operation) 
    std::cout<<m1<<" "<<operation<<" "<<m2<<" = " <<sum;

int sum(int m1, int m2)
    return m1 + m2;


#include "main.hpp"

int main()
    int m1 = 33; 
    int m2 = 66;
    printEquation(m1, m2,sum(m1, m2),'+');
    return 0;

14. Func. Altering Param. Prog. Quiz

/*The program is changed to return 
**the modified variable 'a'
**P.S. This is a totally silly program. Why write a function, 
**with all the function overhead, to increment a variable?


int increment(int input);
int main()
    int a = 34;
    std::cout<<"Before the function call a = "<<a<<"\n";
    a = increment(a);
    std::cout<<"After the function call a = "<<a<<"\n";
    return 0;
int increment(int input)
    std::cout<<"In the function call a = "<<input<<"\n";
    return input;


Passing by reference refers to passing the address of the variable rather than the variable. Then when we make a change in a function, we are changing the value at the address, not the variable. Once the value is changed at its address, any access to that address will retrieve the new value.

/*Goal: Learn to pass variables by reference. 
**Once we learn this, we can modify variables in functions,
**and the change will be available outside the scope of the 


void increment(int &input); //Note the addition of '&'

int main()
    int a = 34;
    std::cout<<"Before the function call a = "<<a<<"\n";
    std::cout<<"After the function call a = "<<a<<"\n";
    return 0;
void increment(int &input)//Note the addition of '&'
    input++; //**Note the LACK OF THE addition of '&'**
    std::cout<<"In the function call a = "<<input<<"\n";

16. Func. Pass by Reference


#include "main.hpp"

int main()
    char operation = '/';
    float input1 = 9.8;
    float input2 = 2.3;
    float result;

    calculate(input1, input2, operation, result);
    printEquation(input1, input2, operation, result);
    return 0;


/*The header file for main.cpp*/


void calculate(float in1, float in2, char op, float &ans);
void printEquation(float input1,float input2, char operation, float result);

void calculate(float in1, float in2, char op, float &ans)
        case '+': ans = in1 + in2;
        case '-': ans = in1 - in2;
        case '*': ans = in1 * in2;
        case '/': ans = in1 / in2;
        default:  std::cout<<"Illegal operation\n";
void printEquation(float input1,float input2, char operation, float result)
    std::cout<<input1<<" "<<operation<<" "<<input2<<" = "<<result<<"\n";

18. Arrays as Parameters

C++ 通过下面三种方式传递array:

void functionName(variableType *arrayName)
void functionName(variableType arrayName[length of array])
void functionName(variableType arrayName[])
/*Goal: Learn to pass arrays to functions*/


//Pass the array as a pointer
void arrayAsPointer(int *array, int size);
//Pass the array as a sized array
void arraySized(int array[3], int size);
//Pass the array as an unsized array
void arrayUnSized(int array[], int size);

int main()
    const int size = 3;
    int array[size] = {33,66,99};
    //We are passing a pointer or reference to the array
    //so we will not know the size of the array
    //We have to pass the size to the function as well
    arrayAsPointer(array, size);
    arraySized(array, size);
    arrayUnSized(array, size);
    return 0;

void arrayAsPointer(int *array, int size)
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++) 
        std::cout<<array[i]<<" ";

void arraySized(int array[3], int size)
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
        std::cout<<array[i]<<" ";

void arrayUnSized(int array[], int size)
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
        std::cout<<array[i]<<" ";


33 66 99 
33 66 99 
33 66 99 

20. Arrays as Param.

If the array contains the value, return the index where the key is located. If the array does not contain the value, return a “-1”.

/*Goal: create a function that searches an array for 
**a given value. 


int search(int array[], int size, int searchKey);

int main()
    const int size = 4;
    int array[] = {345,75896,2,543};
    int searchKey = 543;
    std::cout<<"Found at: "<<search(array, size, searchKey);
    return 0;

int search(int array[], int size, int searchKey)
    int found = -1;
    for(int i=0; i<size;i++)
        if(array[i] == searchKey)
    return found;

21. Function Best Practices


int doubleInput(const int input)

int doubleInput(const int input)
    int h = input *2;
    return h;